
The Fishtrap Fellowships recognize and encourage writers who show promise at an early stage in their career. The primary benefit of this award is an opportunity to attend the Summer Fishtrap Gathering held yearly at Wallowa Lake, Oregon.

The Fishtrap Undergraduate Fellowship, funded by Fishtrap and the University of Montana's undergraduate literary journal The Oval, covers the cost of the seven-day retreat. This includes a five-day writing workshop, readings, activities, panel discussions, and open mics. Additionally, the fellow receives meals for the week (Monday evening through Sunday noon) and lodging.

Please note: the fellow must cover his or her travel to and from the gathering. For more information on lodging choices (which range from tent sites to deluxe cabins) and Summer Fishtrap in general, please visit the Fishtrap website.

A Fishtrap Fellowship is an opportunity for emerging writers to polish their craft in an atmosphere of mentorship and community as they build new friendships and a renewed sense of creative potential.