Embed Video

Users may embed videos in specific fields within profiles.

Note:  All videos embedded in UM Employee Database profiles must be captioned for ADA compliance.

The video embed extension is limited to You Tube.

To Embed a Video

Upload video to You Tube:

  1. Caption video.
  2. Upload video to your You Tube account.
  3. Adjust settings to your preference.

Embed in Employee Database Field:

  1. Log in and open your profile in the Employee Database.
  2. Go to the field into which you wish to embed your video.
  3. Place cursor where you wish to place a video.
  4. Click on the You Tube icon in the editing tool bar.
  5. Go to your video in You Tube.  Copy embed code.
  6. Paste the embed code into the first field in the embed window in the Employee Database.
  7. Click "OK".

Your video will appear in your profile within an hour.

Select You Tube icon.

tool bar with arrow pointing to You tube icon

Paste embed code.

embed window with arrow pointing to place for embed code