Procedures for Reviewing Proposed Level I and Level II Program Changes


To promote timely and collegial discussion of proposals for new academic programs, or modifications to existing programs, that may have important implications for other H&S units.


  1. Level I and II requests for changes to existing programs, or for the initiation of new programs, must be submitted to the H&S Dean’s Office at least 2 weeks before signed copies are due in the Faculty Senate Office. (In practice, this will typically mean submitting proposals to the H&S Dean’s Office by the second week of fall semester).
  2. After preliminary review by the Dean’s Office, we will alert all H&S academic units and make a copy available in our office. Interested faculty will be encouraged to examine the proposal and submit any comments or suggestions to the Dean.
  3. The Dean will consider such input and arrange a discussion between interested parties if it seems advisable before determining whether to sign the documents and forward them to the next level.

Note: For instructions on how to prepare Level I and Level II documents, go to the Office of the Executive Vice President & Provost website.

Adopted: 14 May, 2009

Revised: 25 August, 2014