Cedar Creek Chinese

In 1995, the United States Forest Service (USFS) conducted archaeological survey and excavation in the Cedar Creek drainage of Western Montana. They were attempting to prove the Chinese presence in two archaeological sites, and to find information on the life of that population. Initial analysis did not illuminate much into the Chinese lives of this area, and the artifacts remained curated at the Lolo National Forest Supervisor’s Office. During the spring of 2007, archaeologists from the University of Montana (UM) reanalyzed these artifacts, and uncovered fascinating information about the Cedar Creek Chinese population. UM and the USFS plan to conduct additional work at these sites as part of Chris Merritt’s Doctoral Dissertation research through UM.

Download Cedar Creek Chinese Poster (pdf)
Created by Kassy French, Univeristy of Montana

Cedar Creek Chinese Report (pdf)

Report on "Funs Trays" from China Gulch (pdf)
Published in the Asian American Comparative Collection Newsletter, Dec. 2008