Terraced Garden 1979

The terraces were first recorded in 1979, by a team of United States Forest Service (USFS) personnel, including C. Milo McLeod, an archaeological technician at that time. Reports from the local people at that time suggested that this site was constructed by Chinese who had fled the railroad. During their 1979 visit, the Forest Service personnel deemed the terraces as eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, and a priority cultural resource on the Lolo National Forest. The thickly vegetated site appeared to almost disappear into the surrounding landscape, and its mysterious nature tapped McLeod’s curious nature. man standing in front of caveBesides the terracing, the Forest Service survey discovered a single mine adit, hand-stacked rock from placer workings, the cabin pad located ½ mile downstream of the terraces, and an interesting lack of surface artifacts.

Forest Service employee looking at terraced garden
Forest Service worker looking at rock formation