Internships in Computer Science

Internships are a wonderful way to experience new aspects of the field, explore potential companies, and learn new skills. Internships are a beneficial way for employers to get to know potential full-time hires, and many students are offered full-time positions upon graduation with companies they previously interned for.

Many students look for internships beginning their junior year. In computer science, these experiences are almost always paid, with typical hourly rates ranging from $12-$26 per hour depending on experience and the company. Opportunities in computer science are abundant in Missoula, in other parts of Montana, and around the nation. Please consider attending the Career Fair to investigate interested companies.

Recent student internships

Picture of Brianna Daniels

Brianna Daniels @ Silvx Labs

"I had a lot of fun over the summer! If someone had told me what I would come to accomplish by the end of my internship I would not have believed them."
Picture of Michael Niekamp

Michael Niekamp @ ATG

"I would highly recommend ATG for anyone who is wanting to improve their programming ability and gain universal professional skills along the way.”
Picture of Bailey Eggebrecht

Bailey Eggebrecht @ Edulog

"I would recommend the internship to anyone looking to gain hands-on experience in the field of software development and testing."

Registration Process

  1. Find an interested company and apply by submitting your resume, cover letter, and reference information. Trish Duce ( maintains a list of companies who have hired CS interns in the past and can assist you with the process.
    • Handshake  (every UM student has a profile):  Find jobs and internships, register for career events, connect with other students and employers, and more.
    • Montana High Tech Alliance Job Portal:  The Montana High Tech Business Alliance is a nonpartisan statewide association focused on creating more high-paying jobs in Montana. The Alliance currently has more than 200 highly-engaged member firms.
    • Attend a Career Fair
    • Resources for UM Students:  Get help with your cover letter, resume, online profile, interviewing, etc. 
  2. Find a CS faculty member who is willing to sponsor you. All lecturers and tenure track faculty can sponsor internships. The faculty member will work with you to determine which course level and how many credits are appropriate for your opportunity. They will explain what academic assignments they will require (typically an essay and an in-class presentation) to assess your grade. The faculty member will provide an electronic override and you will register on cyberbear for the internship.
  3. Submit Learning Agreement:  Report your internship to receive credit.

Company List

University of Montana Computer Science Students have interned at the following companies: