Support UM's Anthropological Collections

Fundraising Flyer


  • 736 Ethnographic artifacts, ranging from Plains moccasins and Nez Perce buckskin dresses to Hopi ceramics and Salish saddles.
  • The ethnographic collection encompasses the private collections of E.S. Paxon, A.J. Gibson, and John E. Lewis
  • The facility also houses archaeological artifacts from over 1,300 sites across Montana, North Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, and Oregon
woven bracelets with pod husk rattlers

Points of Pride:

The Department of Anthropology in conjunction with the Office of Research has funded a remodel of the facility, an archival upgrade and testing of artifacts for pesticide contamination. All of these factors have made it possible for the collections to be reopened for research and future exhibition.

Funding Opportunities:

  • $10,000 - helps to upgrade the environmental control system
  • $5,000 - would support conservation efforts on ethnographic artifacts
  • $5,000 funds student’s cataloging efforts for a semester
  • $2,500 - enables staff to access research data, attend national conferences, and attend training to improve the care of the collections$1,000 - funds a work-study student to work with the collections for a semester
  • $500 - will fund the facility’s internship program for a year.
urn-shaped woven basket with leather strap