Automated Integrative Complexity

We have developed a system designed to score Integrative Complexity (and its two sub-constructs, Dialectical Complexity and Elaborative Complexity) automatically using a computer. You can score materials using this Automated Integrative Complexity system (free of charge for academic research use) at the following site run by Distill Analytics:

If you use the AutoIC for academic purposes, please cite one or both of the following two papers (the first paper is for Integrative Complexity; the second is for Dialectical and/or Elaborative Complexity):

Conway, L. G., III, Conway, K. R., Gornick, L. J., & Houck, S. C. (2014). Automated integrative complexity. Political Psychology, 35, 603-624.

Houck, S. C., Conway, L. G., III, & Gornick, L. J. (2014). Automated integrative complexity: Current challenges and future directions. Political Psychology, 35, 647-659.